Functional Neurology in Newnan GA

low back pain relief with chiropractic care

Learn more about functional neurology in Newnan GA and what makes this area of education give our staff at Newnan Natural Pain Relief And Wellness an extra edge in helping you find relief.

What is Functional Neurology in Newnan GA?

Less than 1% of all doctors/therapists choose this type of postgraduate, study and Dr. Craig is one of them. Functional neurology is a branch of study which includes the following:

  • Advanced study in the anatomy and physiology of the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems
  • Examination procedures to evaluate these systems to arrive at areas of dysfunction
  • Methods to activate sensory receptors in the body to improve neurological function

Obtaining this education allows the clinician to be more comprehensive in discovering the reasons for symptoms or dysfunction and the application of therapies to stimulate sensory receptors to improve neurological function. See the graphic below for more information.

Ultimately many functions of the brain are carried out by large scale networks in the brain.

Some of the networks, e.g.; Salience Network, Executive Function Network, Sensory Motor Network, Ventral and Dorsal Attention Networks and Default Mode Networks. These networks are made up of many regions of the brain. Most health conditions that are due to neurological problems occur when there is spontaneous misfiring in one or more of these and related areas. Knowing how to identify (Dr. Craig is one of less than 1% of all doctors) which areas are dysfunctional and specifically targeting these areas with precise stimulation to improve function within these networks is an ultimate goal to improve neurological function that is more brain based in nature.

If you're ready to take control of your health, schedule an appointment with Newnan Natural Pain Relief and Wellness today!


8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

By Appointment Only

By Appointment Only


Newnan Natural Pain Relief and Wellness

60 Oak Hill Blvd Suite 202
Newnan, GA 30265

(770) 254-7833